delete resume enable clear volume tempo maxplaytime loadplaylist operation showcurrentmessage showlast message chatinput target channel reset usepulsedialling audibledialing dialoutsideline changedcity waitfordialtone call-waiting-mode disable-call-waiting dial-speed dialoutsideprefix call-waiting-threshold callwaitingprefix accessnumber connect autosubmit brokenpbx longdistanceprefix tollfreeaccessnumber allow-reconnect topic private adjustsensitivity pitch password disable title thumbnailurl filter zoommode editmessage address value setup-background-color setup-text-color setup-link-color setup-visited-color setup-keyboard setup-play-bgm setup-bgm-tempo setup-bgm-volume setup-font-sizes setup-play-songs setup-play-sounds setup-play-message-sound setup-in-stereo setup-advanced-options setup-chat-access-level from-server backgroundcolor textcolor linkcolor visitedcolor alphabetical buttonlabel1 buttonlabel2 buttonaction1 buttonaction2 backaction noback image sound action showpage animation submitname submitvalue enabled backwards bottom medium light shade address_off address_on fontsize print_scrn wtv-mail:/addressbookfavorite-url favorite-title favorite-thumbnail-type image/wtv-bitmap file://rom/Animations/favorite.ani wtv-favorite:/add text/url file://rom/Images/all.gif file://rom/Animation/mail.ani file://rom/Images/Mail.gif wtv-mail:sendmail message_body message_to message_url message_title message_subject wtv-setup:/set backspace sendoff byoispselected byoispprovidename byoisploginname byoisppassword byoispaccesnumber key explain byoispaccessnumber2 setup-chat-on-nontrusted-pages print_set RecentSpotURL setup-tv-log-disabled-mask videoad setup-chat-nick-attr-enabled
These error codes are used for trouble shooting. They appear while pressing "options" when you get an error pop-up.
S-CODES: 0 ParseError - tellyscript was bad. 1 Connecting - (not really an error) 2 Success - tellyscript finished successfully 3 ConfigurationError - modem and box not on speaking terms. 4 DialingError - modem not saying what we wanted it to. 5 NoDialtone - didn't hear a dial tone on the phone line. 6 NoAnswer - POP number just kept ringing. 7 Busy - POP number was busy. 8 HandshakeFailure - modem handshake failure; this is rare. 9 UnknownError - got an unknown result code back from the modem. 10 BadPassword - authentication failure. 11 PPPHandshakeFailure - couldn't negotiate PPP successfully. 12 NoCarrier - something answered, but it wasn't a modem. 13 BlackHole - rare; last POP was a black hole, and we ran out of POPs. 14 VerySlowConnect - modems connected at less than 14.4Kbps. 15 BadPasswordNR - same as #10, but we don't reboot the box. 16 UnhappyScript - the tellyscript generator blew it. This is bad.
0 kTellyParseError
1 kTellyConnecting
2 kTellyLinkConnected
3 kTellyConfigurationError
4 kTellyDialingError
5 kTellyNoDialtone
6 kTellyNoAnswer
7 kTellyBusy
8 kTellyHandshakeFailure
9 kTellyUnknownError
10 kTellyBadPassword
11 kTellyPPPFailed
12 kTellyNoCarrier
13 kTellyBlackHole
14 kTellyDownloadOK
15 kTellyNoLoader
16 kTellyNoFirmware
17 kTellyLoaderFailed
18 kTellyNoResponseFromLoader
19 kTellyFirmwareFailed
20 kTellyNoResponseFromFirmware
21 kTellyScriptExpired0
SERVER ERROR CODESThanks to Eric MacDonald201 = Created 202 = Accepted 203 = Provisional Information 204 = No Content 300 = Multiple Choices 301 = Moved Permanently 302 = Moved Temporarily 303 = Method 304 = Not Modified 400 = Bad Request 401 = Unauthorized 402 = Payment Required 403 = Forbidden 404 = Not Found 405 = Method Not Allowed 406 = None Acceptable 407 = Proxy Authentication Required 408 = Request Timeout 409 = Conflict 410 = Gone 500 = Internal Server Error 501 = Not Implemented 502 = Bad Gateway 503 = Service Unavailable 504 = Gateway Timeout
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