ZEROKOOL (aka ZEROKOOK) was one of the biggest lamers ever to grace a.d.w.h. He wanted to form a "hacking" club so he put up a site with a cheezy JS PW and some links. When that was hacked in mere seconds, he set up a site with another user then pretended to hack it... as user#2 "protested". This joke was a tribute to the ZEROKOOK. Sadly, it's amazing how many fell for this joke. There were numerous post replies asking how it was done!
Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Fri, Sep 25, 1998 From: I HACKED ZEROKOOK/MADDOG'S POSTS No shit!!! And I hacked not one but *several* of them!!!! Hell, I'm no lamer. I found these posts secreted away in a firewalled hacking newsgroup so not even Elite PC hackers could get to them. When I found them only their title was visible. I could tell this was going to be tricky. Their content was hidden inside. I needed to muster all my skills to research the proper access codes. Could I do it? I did a quick INFO search on them and got their all important Article ID numbers. From there I created a sophisticated embed code back at my homepage and used the top secret Trick to embed the embed in an embedded screen. Then for good measure I embedded it again, and again. But I over did it so I deembedded and reembeded it a few times until I was certain of obtaining the correct code balance of embedation and deembedation. Don't try this at home kids. It's probably a violation of several provisions of the TOS. Ha! A scant 30 minutes I was into their posts.... reading their Top Secret communications with other members of this covert group as they again proved their Elite status by decribing their exploits getting on HellCom's public mailing list and ACTUALLY GETTING TO THE SPOT AD PAGE IN TRICKS. WHOA NELLY! They again blew me away with their mastery of the Fine Art of Elite Hacking. I'm still shuddering in awe. As for 'lil 'ole me? How could I pull off this definitive coup? Cuz I'm a graduate of ZeroKook's Elite School of Fine Hacking.... and you'er not.
Group: alt.discuss.n2play Date: Sun, Jan 24, 1999 From: WHAT WERE THE BEST NG PRANKS? Poor META... I knew him well..... I'm looking for people's recollections on harmless old pranks that were pulled on unsuspecting NG readers. They ranged from my poorly received April Fools Disappearing Mail Trick to MirrororriMs inadvertant use of the Add Folder Code that created a folder saying "you've been hacked", to GoldenPost's post that caused anyone to read it to get a e-mail from WTV Japan. These are just a few I remember. Then there were the infuriating Client:Tourist Tricks... ah, the good ole days. Since this all may be included in my archives... please try to be specific who was to "blame", a date, and what exactly the Trick was. Thanks!
Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Sun, Jan 24, 1999 From: WHAT WAS THE BEST NG PRANK? This may be a bit off topic... but then I'm fond of saying that with WTV, Tricks are form of hacking. Anyway, I'm not having a contest, the header is just to get attention. I'm looking for people's recollections on old pranks that were pulled on unsuspecting NG readers. They ranged from my April Fools Disappearing Mail Trick to Mirrors inadvertant use of the Add Folder Code. There was GoldenPost's post with the Letter from Phil.. So, pardon my being a bit off topic. I'm just working on the archives.
Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Sun, Jan 24, 1999 From: Re: WHAT WAS THE BEST NG PRANK? having html in our post in a NG with the![]()